Talking Equitable Design with Aubrey Blanche

Talking Equitable Design with Aubrey Blanche

Today, I had the distinct pleasure of hosting another fantastic IG live and I can finally tell you that I am not shy anymore!  But that's not the main point of this blogpost.  I spoke with a really amazing woman named Aubrey Blanche and she is really someone that you need to know and learn from.

Let's start with her rock-solid bio: 

Aubrey is The Mathpath (Math Nerd + Empath), Director of Equitable Design & Impact at Culture Amp, and a startup investor, and advisor. She questions, reimagines, and redesigns the systems that surround us to ensure that all people access equitable opportunities. Her expertise covers talent programs and accessible product development to event design and communications. She is the inventor of the balanced teams approach and a culture of belonging, and the Balanced Teams Diversity Assessment in the Atlassian Team Playbook. She open sources these methods and releases thought leadership and tools to create positive change at⁠

I fully expected Aubrey to be amazing and knowledgeable about Equitable Design but I wasn't quite prepared for her to be so darn likable while doing it!  So it does help that she showed up to the IG live with beautiful pink hair, a cool pair of glasses, AND wearing our HUSTLE lipstick.  She then proceeded to drop real gems about what it's like to live and operate at the highest echelon of the tech industry at the intersection of being a Mexican American woman with indigenous roots recognizing that she is white-passing while identifying as bisexual and living with bipolar disorder.  When I tell you that it was a refreshing and really open conversation about how you effectively use empathy and lived experiences to design processes and systems within companies that make them work for everyone - IT WAS.

She hit me with so many amazing points that I plan to steal them ALL and I think you need them too in your life.  Her theme for 2021 is "Pleasure and Flow" and I am thinking that that will also be my mantra because if it doesn't either bring me pleasure or get me into a beautiful state of flow, it's gonna have to be a NO.  

I don't want to share all of the gems so you simply MUST watch this episode and follow Aubrey on Twitter and check out her website.

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