Happy Monday Bosses!
This week rather than leaving you with a motivational blog post, I decided to share some podcasts that will leave feeling motivated and inspired all week long.
I like to start off my day with a podcast playing in the background while working, just to keep me pumped up and motivated. I always select my podcast based on how I am feeling that day.
If you are new to the world of podcasting, it may take a while to find out what you enjoy or find the people you enjoy listening to. With this in mind, I have four different podcast below for you to try out, so you have options and also if you feel like you can take on more than one, for variety.
1. MindStying
This podcast is for anyone trying to re-style their mind, with the hopes of achieving goals on their own terms.
They interview people who are running businesses, changing the world, helping others and are not afraid to push boundaries by winning the game inside their head first.
You can find the Mind Styling Podcast here!
Talks about how how successful people approach productivity, time management, business, health and habits.
You can find The one thing Podcast here!
Finding brave is a podcast by the brilliant Kathy Caprino, who is a senior contributor at Forbes. It focuses on topics ranging from following your passion to developing your career and so much more!
You can find the Finding Brave Podcast here!
The stuck to started is a podcast that talks about building the people we dream of being, so that we can in return create the life and impact we dream of.
The goal is to lead you to a life where potentials are fulfilled, while enjoying life.
You can find The Stuck to Started Podcast here!
I hope you all enjoy this selection of inspiring podcasts to kick off your week. Share your favorite podcasts with us and we would love to find out which from the list you also enjoyed, so please drop a comment on that as well.
Have a great week ahead and join the family here, so you can get ambition delivered straight to your inbox plus exclusive deals!