Meet Iké Adeyemi, Senior Legal Counsel and Corporate Secretary at Clorox

Meet Iké Adeyemi, Senior Legal Counsel and Corporate Secretary at Clorox

Hey Boss,

I had the distinct pleasure of speaking with Iké Adeyemi in my garden back in 2019 (the good ole days) and I thought I would resurface that discussion in this week's blog post!

Not only is Iké a supportive Bossy customer, she is a mom to 4 children, wife to an amazing guy, and a total BADASS corporate lawyer at The Clorox Company.  Most of all, I LOVE Iké's spirit.  She's always so positive and effusive in her reflections.  I was grateful that she agreed to sit with me to talk about her life as a working mother AND a focused career professional. 

This is particularly great for anyone who is interested in a career in law.

Apart from the precious time that I spent learning about Iké's career as a lawyer, I was intrigued to learn about how she evaluates her various roles in life.  This is also a great listen for people who sit at various intersectional identities.

This recording was originally shared on youtube in a 5 minute version but this is the longer episode.  


ps- While you're here...

Check out the entire Power Woman Essentials Collection 


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